We had a great time!! It is so fun to introduce family to new babies! It was a much needed, long awaited trip. Jackson did amazing on the flights, the stewardesses were oohing and awwing over him most of the time.
Some sad things happened a day or two into our trip. Four of the local police officers were shot and killed while having coffee before their shifts. Thankfully, they caught the man (he actually got shot and died) but he was coming at another officer days later.
All in all it was a great trip, minus my urgent care and ER visits due to four little kidney stones.
This is Jackson all day every day. Huge grins and a lot of loud baby talk
Take 3
Handsome boy!
Taking a nap with his new bestie..Winkolina. She is part of the Ugly Doll family and he quite fancies her.
I had to throw the last two pictures in. They were too hilarious not too. Thanks to my cousins Nancy and Robbie we received a bunch of awesome clothes for Jackson. This little snow suit was one of the many, Jackson hated it but it got the job done. He would only tolerate it long enough to get to the car. We tried buckling him in the carseat with it on...but as you can see he can't do anything with his little arms.